Advanced Investigative Services, Inc.
Call Us Toll Free at: 1-888-968-8833
Call Us Locally at: (561) 630-8833

Investigative Services

Below is a list of services we currently offer. Please feel free to see which service may suit your need and contact us for a conifential consultation.



Background Checks -    An indepth report of any and all information on a person of interest. Depending on the age of the subject the report could go back as far as 20 years. This report is updated every 30 days by search databases we have at our disposal.

Bank Account Sweeps -  The location of any and all bank accounts that a subject may have that you need to know about for any legal action you may be taking. Atthe time of the search the amount of money listed in those account that may be found would be accurate for the day the search was completed. The search also identifies the account numbers associated with the subject as well as the banks.

Cell Phone Records -  This is a search of all calls regesterd with the monthly billing on the subjects cell phone. This search can only go back 90 days from the start of the billing cycle.

Child Custody Investigations - An indepth investigation into a subject or subjects who have a child or children living with them where the biological mother or father is no longer residing with them. This is a search for criminal offenses committed by the parent who has custody of the child or children. In some cases a surveillance is needed to identify what the primary custodial parent may be up to or the noncustodial parent as far as drugs or alcoholism or child endangerment.

Civil Investigations -  An indepth investigation of an invidiual or party to where a client is planning on engaging a civil lawsuit against for any reason or reasons from a business collapse to a personal liability.

Corporate Investigations -  An indepth investigation into a corporation and its princilples to determine if the corporation is a regesterd and legit entity or to determine what may be happening behind closed doors of its principles and officers pertaining to the corporation.

Covert Camera Systems -  The design and installation of camera systems in and around a clients property and the design of covert cameras such as nanny cams.

Criminal Investigations -  The process of investigating an indiviual who has a questionable back ground to where there may be criminal activities going on that the client is unaware of.

Criminal Back Ground Checks -  The process of investigativing and retreiving evidence of an individual with a criminal back ground at the request of a person interested in either personal or business interests.

Criminal Defense Investigations -  The process of investigating all the evidence against a person charged with a crime. Follow any leads and speak with individuals or conduct surveillance on witnesses that may be testifiying against the charged individual to find or uncover anything that would be helpful to prove that the charges against the subject are no entirely trus.

Domestic Investigations -  The process of investigating anything to getting evidence for the client on anything that deals with domestic issues. Such as legal liens judgements properties assets etc.

Locate Missing Persons -  The process of extensive compuiter research as well as visiting the areas last known where the subject was and identifying individuals who last had contact with the subject.

Infidelity Investigations -  Following and filming as well as researching an individual to see if he or she has affairs ongoing with out their spose knowing.

Hidden Surviellance Video Systems -  The placement of a surveillance system that can cover both the inside and outside of a residence or a business. These systems can also be accessed by the owners smart phone to check on whats happening on a constant basis.

Real Time GPS Vehicle Tracking -  A sure way to know where your vehicles and or spouse is at on a constant basis. This is a service accessable by your smart phone and the units are small enough to hide anywhere. The units also have an option for a long life battery attachment which will enable the unit to run non stop for up to six weeks.

Locate Lost or Stolen Property -  The ability to locate property that has been stolen or lost by using computer resources and canvassing leads to who took the property and where its location may be.

Narcotic Investigations -  An investigation that is conducted by watching someone to see if they come incontact with an individual selling them narcotics. The person then selling the narcitics is documented and turned over to the proper authorities per the clients request.

Insurance Fraud Investigation -   An investigation into a Liability or a Workers Compensation case to where surveillance is conducted on a claimant to show that he or she is not as hurt as they may lead other parties to believe they are.

Undercover Operations - Loss Prevention -  The ability to place an investigator in an atmosphere to where the investigator can gather information into employee theft or improper running responsibities of a company and report back to the client

Executive Protection -Bodyguard Services -  A service for any person that may feel threatened, such as persons with restraining orders, ex spouses, Jewelry Traders, Celbrities, Children under protective orders, etc. This service is performed in a discrete and proffessional manner and is available armed or unarmed.

Sex Offender Searches -  A search in any area of the United States to identify any sexual preditor or to run a background to identify one.

Surveillance -  The process of following and filming a subject for the client without the subject being aware that they are being documented while they are out in public or around thier residence.

Process Service -   Advanced Investigative Services, Inc has certifed process personel to quickly get important documents served. Just contact us for availability when needed.

Proficientcy Profiles -  The task of entering a business and observing what is going on while the business is operating and to access what the employees are doing while working and report back to the client as to where they may or may not be losing money and what steps can be taken to raise the profits of the company or to eliminate the losses the company may be experiencing. This service is also discretly filmed while the investigator is on site at the clients request.


Planning a trip to Florida for a day or a week for business or for pleasure feel free to contact us. We will pick you up at the airport and be your Personal Assistant/Chauffer and bodyguard. Male and Female Bodyguard's available.

Serving all your needs under Private Investigator, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, Florida Investigative Services as we cover the whole state of Florida and out of state work also, Detective Agencies as we are a full service Private Investigative Company fully Licensed.


Feel free to contact us anytime 24/7, 365 days a year for a free consultation.  STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL !

Advanced Investigative Services, Inc

The Professional Approach to getting the job done right the first time !